Hotel statistics for Sweden


There is a varied selection of hotels in Sweden. Everything from large popular hotels like Gothia Towers Hotel in Gothenburg to the smaller Hotell Havanna in the welcoming city of Varberg. In Sweden Scandic is a well established chain with 86 hotels.

The avarage price1) for a nights stay in Sweden was PLN 355 in June 2015, compared to 403 in neighbouring Norway and 453 in Denmark. The avarage fee in Marstrand however is higher where one nights stay costs you PLN 641 in avarage. In the capital Stockholm, the current price level is 396.

Of the 1269 hotels in Sweden, 120 are located in the capital. Besides Stockholm; Gothenburg and Malmö includes 60 and 31 hotels respectively.


Avarage minimumprices for all hotels in Sweden combined over the last 30 days. Highest avarage price was on 7/3 with PLN 363 and the lowest price was picked up 27/3 with PLN 345.

Large hotel chains in Sweden Number of
Scandic 86
Nordic Choice Hotels 82
Best Western 69
First Hotels 36
Elite Hotels Of Sweden 35
Toplist of biggest hotels! Number of
Gothia Towers Hotel 1131
Clarion Hotel Sign 558
Clarion Hotel Stockholm 532
Quality Hotel Globe 524
Clarion Hotel Post 500
Sheraton Stockholm Hotel 465
Clarion Hotel Amaranten 461
Radisson Blu Royal Viking Hotel 459
Scandic Europa 456

List of hotels with the largest number of rooms. Gothia Towers Hotel is the biggest one but it's not located in the capital city but in Gothenburg.

City No. Hotels   Avg. minrate.
Stockholm 120 8.2 PLN 396
Gothenburg 60 8.3 PLN 393
Malmö 31 8.4 PLN 275
Uppsala 18 8.3 PLN 324
Helsingborg 18 8.3 PLN 316
Visby 17 8.5 PLN 547
Norrköping 16 8.1 PLN 308
Örebro 15 8.1 PLN 300
Jönköping 15 8.2 PLN 300
Umeå 14 8.4 PLN 309
Lund 14 8.5 PLN 325
Linköping 13 8.2 PLN 328
Västerås 12 8.1 PLN 278
Karlstad 12 8.2 PLN 340
Kalmar 12 8.1 PLN 362
Växjö 11 8.4 PLN 334
Östersund 11 8.1 PLN 353
Halmstad 11 8.0 PLN 440
Sundsvall 10 8.2 PLN 307
Kiruna 10 8.1 PLN 355
Solna 9 8.1 PLN 312
Luleå 9 8.5 PLN 350
Karlskrona 9 8.1 PLN 357
Nyköping 8 8.3 PLN 328
Eskilstuna 8 8.3 PLN 290
Bromma 8 8.1 PLN 283
Arlanda 8 8.4 PLN 310
Skövde 7 7.5 PLN 331
Skellefteå 7 8.2 PLN 344
Sigtuna 7 8.6 PLN 374
Oskarshamn 7 8.3 PLN 390
Örnsköldsvik 7 8.1 PLN 301
Lidingö 7 7.7 PLN 340
Kristianstad 7 8.2 PLN 325
Kista 7 7.9 PLN 290
Gävle 7 8.4 PLN 317
Falkenberg 7 8.2 PLN 388
Västervik 6 8.2 PLN 384
Varberg 6 8.7 PLN 467
Uddevalla 6 8.0 PLN 347
Tällberg 6 8.7 PLN 311
Södertälje 6 7.5 PLN 316
Gränna 6 8.2 PLN 442
Borlänge 6 7.7 PLN 322
Åre 6 8.5 PLN 530
Ystad 5 7.7 PLN 541
Trollhättan 5 8.3 PLN 324
Tranås 5 8.3 PLN 311
Simrishamn 5 8.4 PLN 413
Piteå 5 8.2 PLN 379
Mora 5 8.1 PLN 435
Marstrand 5 8.1 PLN 641
Lidköping 5 8.1 PLN 359
Kristinehamn 5 8.1 PLN 410
Hudiksvall 5 7.9 PLN 317
Borås 5 7.8 PLN 332
Båstad 5 8.1 PLN 495
Ängelholm 5 8.3 PLN 334
Älvsjö 5 7.5 PLN 243

1) The avarage price is the minimum avarage fee for the cheapest hotelrooms combined from each hotel. According to sources.