There is a varied selection of hotels in Sweden. Everything from large popular hotels like Gothia Towers Hotel in Gothenburg to the smaller Hotell Havanna in the welcoming city of Varberg. In Sweden Scandic is a well established chain with 86 hotels.
The avarage price1) for a nights stay in Sweden was HUF 26660 in June 2015, compared to 30294 in neighbouring Norway and 34062 in Denmark. The avarage fee in Marstrand however is higher where one nights stay costs you HUF 48141 in avarage. In the capital Stockholm, the current price level is 29753.
Of the 1269 hotels in Sweden, 120 are located in the capital. Besides Stockholm; Gothenburg and Malmö includes 60 and 31 hotels respectively.
Avarage minimumprices for all hotels in Sweden combined over the last 30 days. Highest avarage price was on 7/3 with HUF 27253 and the lowest price was picked up 27/3 with HUF 25909.Large hotel chains in Sweden | Number of |
Scandic | 86 |
Nordic Choice Hotels | 82 |
Best Western | 69 |
First Hotels | 36 |
Elite Hotels Of Sweden | 35 |
Toplist of biggest hotels! | Number of |
Gothia Towers Hotel | 1131 |
Clarion Hotel Sign | 558 |
Clarion Hotel Stockholm | 532 |
Quality Hotel Globe | 524 |
Clarion Hotel Post | 500 |
Sheraton Stockholm Hotel | 465 |
Clarion Hotel Amaranten | 461 |
Radisson Blu Royal Viking Hotel | 459 |
Scandic Europa | 456 |
List of hotels with the largest number of rooms. Gothia Towers Hotel is the biggest one but it's not located in the capital city but in Gothenburg.
City | No. Hotels | Avg. minrate. | |
Stockholm | 120 | 8.2 | HUF 29753 |
Gothenburg | 60 | 8.3 | HUF 29503 |
Malmö | 31 | 8.4 | HUF 20699 |
Uppsala | 18 | 8.3 | HUF 24352 |
Helsingborg | 18 | 8.3 | HUF 23758 |
Visby | 17 | 8.5 | HUF 41085 |
Norrköping | 16 | 8.1 | HUF 23134 |
Örebro | 15 | 8.1 | HUF 22510 |
Jönköping | 15 | 8.2 | HUF 22510 |
Umeå | 14 | 8.4 | HUF 23228 |
Lund | 14 | 8.5 | HUF 24414 |
Linköping | 13 | 8.2 | HUF 24632 |
Västerås | 12 | 8.1 | HUF 20917 |
Karlstad | 12 | 8.2 | HUF 25538 |
Kalmar | 12 | 8.1 | HUF 27193 |
Växjö | 11 | 8.4 | HUF 25070 |
Östersund | 11 | 8.1 | HUF 26537 |
Halmstad | 11 | 8.0 | HUF 33093 |
Sundsvall | 10 | 8.2 | HUF 23072 |
Kiruna | 10 | 8.1 | HUF 26693 |
Solna | 9 | 8.1 | HUF 23446 |
Luleå | 9 | 8.5 | HUF 26318 |
Karlskrona | 9 | 8.1 | HUF 26818 |
Nyköping | 8 | 8.3 | HUF 24664 |
Eskilstuna | 8 | 8.3 | HUF 21791 |
Bromma | 8 | 8.1 | HUF 21230 |
Arlanda | 8 | 8.4 | HUF 23321 |
Skövde | 7 | 7.5 | HUF 24882 |
Skellefteå | 7 | 8.2 | HUF 25881 |
Sigtuna | 7 | 8.6 | HUF 28067 |
Oskarshamn | 7 | 8.3 | HUF 29284 |
Örnsköldsvik | 7 | 8.1 | HUF 22603 |
Lidingö | 7 | 7.7 | HUF 25569 |
Kristianstad | 7 | 8.2 | HUF 24445 |
Kista | 7 | 7.9 | HUF 21791 |
Gävle | 7 | 8.4 | HUF 23852 |
Falkenberg | 7 | 8.2 | HUF 29159 |
Västervik | 6 | 8.2 | HUF 28816 |
Varberg | 6 | 8.7 | HUF 35122 |
Uddevalla | 6 | 8.0 | HUF 26037 |
Tällberg | 6 | 8.7 | HUF 23352 |
Södertälje | 6 | 7.5 | HUF 23727 |
Gränna | 6 | 8.2 | HUF 33218 |
Borlänge | 6 | 7.7 | HUF 24227 |
Åre | 6 | 8.5 | HUF 39805 |
Ystad | 5 | 7.7 | HUF 40648 |
Trollhättan | 5 | 8.3 | HUF 24352 |
Tranås | 5 | 8.3 | HUF 23352 |
Simrishamn | 5 | 8.4 | HUF 31033 |
Piteå | 5 | 8.2 | HUF 28473 |
Mora | 5 | 8.1 | HUF 32656 |
Marstrand | 5 | 8.1 | HUF 48141 |
Lidköping | 5 | 8.1 | HUF 26943 |
Kristinehamn | 5 | 8.1 | HUF 30783 |
Hudiksvall | 5 | 7.9 | HUF 23852 |
Borås | 5 | 7.8 | HUF 24976 |
Båstad | 5 | 8.1 | HUF 37214 |
Ängelholm | 5 | 8.3 | HUF 25132 |
Älvsjö | 5 | 7.5 | HUF 18232 |
1) The avarage price is the minimum avarage fee for the cheapest hotelrooms combined from each hotel. According to sources.
Number of hotels in Sweden by class | |
1.1% | |
45.9% | |
49.7% | |
3.2% | |
0.1% | |
Except for the numbers mentioned above, there are also 332 hotels with no or unknown classification to us. |