Hotel statistics for Hungary


There is a varied selection of hotels in Hungary. Like the large Hotel Hungaria City Center in Budapest with its 468 rooms. In Hungary Hunguest Hotels is a well established chain with 16 hotels.

The avarage price1) for a nights stay in Hungary was RUB 4082 in June 2015, compared to 3991 in neighbouring Slovakia. The avarage fee in Tihany however is higher where one nights stay costs you RUB 6607 in avarage.


Avarage minimumprices for all hotels in Hungary combined over the last 30 days. Highest avarage price was on 9/3 with RUB 4305 and the lowest price was picked up 25/3 with RUB 3757.

Large hotel chains in Hungary Number of
Hunguest Hotels 16
Danubius Hotels 15
Accent Hotels 13
Mellow Mood Hotels 10
Ibis 5
Toplist of biggest hotels! Number of
Hotel Hungaria City Center 468
Mercure Budapest Korona 421
Corinthia Hotel Budapest 414
InterContinental Budapest 402
Mercure Budapest Buda 390
Hotel Annabella Beach Resort 389
Danubius Hotel Arena 379
Budapest Marriott Hotel 364
Sofitel Budapest Chain Bridge 357

List of hotels with the largest number of rooms.

City No. Hotels   Avg. minrate.
Budapest 225 8.3 RUB 5652
Siófok 43 7.9 RUB 4771
Hajdúszoboszló 32 8.4 RUB 4184
Győr 26 8.3 RUB 3523
Pécs 23 8.6 RUB 2936
Hévíz 22 8.2 RUB 5212
Szeged 20 8.8 RUB 3083
Debrecen 20 8.5 RUB 3744
Balatonfüred 20 8.0 RUB 6093
Eger 18 8.4 RUB 3670
Sárvár 15 8.3 RUB 4698
Harkány 15 8.7 RUB 3156
Kecskemét 14 8.4 RUB 3156
Zalakaros 13 8.3 RUB 5285
Nyíregyháza 13 8.4 RUB 3377
Gyula 12 8.8 RUB 4037
Sopron 11 8.4 RUB 3817
Balatonföldvár 11 8.3 RUB 3450
Miskolctapolca 10 8.4 RUB 5652
Veszprém 9 8.8 RUB 5065
Mosonmagyaróvár 9 8.2 RUB 3597
Székesfehérvár 8 8.7 RUB 3597
Bük 8 8.2 RUB 4258
Zamárdi 7 7.7 RUB 5505
Visegrád 7 8.6 RUB 6166
Tata 7 8.4 RUB 3964
Szolnok 7 7.9 RUB 3891
Komárom 7 8.5 RUB 3083
Keszthely 7 7.6 RUB 3964
Tihany 6 8.3 RUB 6607
Szombathely 6 8.0 RUB 3523
Szentgotthárd 6 8.5 RUB 3523
Nagykanizsa 6 7.6 RUB 2422
Miskolc 6 8.3 RUB 3377
Esztergom 6 8.5 RUB 2496
Békéscsaba 6 8.9 RUB 3303
Balatonalmádi 6 7.9 RUB 4404
Szentendre 5 8.8 RUB 3744
Noszvaj 5 8.8 RUB 4845
Mezőkövesd 5 8.1 RUB 3597
Hódmezővásárhely 5 8.2 RUB 3010
Hegyeshalom 5 8.2 RUB 2643

1) The avarage price is the minimum avarage fee for the cheapest hotelrooms combined from each hotel. According to sources.