There is a varied selection of hotels in Hungary. Like the large Hotel Hungaria City Center in Budapest with its 468 rooms. In Hungary Hunguest Hotels is a well established chain with 16 hotels.
The avarage price1) for a nights stay in Hungary was HUF 17848 in June 2015, compared to 17452 in neighbouring Slovakia. The avarage fee in Tihany however is higher where one nights stay costs you HUF 28886 in avarage.
Avarage minimumprices for all hotels in Hungary combined over the last 30 days. Highest avarage price was on 9/3 with HUF 18825 and the lowest price was picked up 25/3 with HUF 16429.Large hotel chains in Hungary | Number of |
Hunguest Hotels | 16 |
Danubius Hotels | 15 |
Accent Hotels | 13 |
Mellow Mood Hotels | 10 |
Ibis | 5 |
Toplist of biggest hotels! | Number of |
Hotel Hungaria City Center | 468 |
Mercure Budapest Korona | 421 |
Corinthia Hotel Budapest | 414 |
InterContinental Budapest | 402 |
Mercure Budapest Buda | 390 |
Hotel Annabella Beach Resort | 389 |
Danubius Hotel Arena | 379 |
Budapest Marriott Hotel | 364 |
Sofitel Budapest Chain Bridge | 357 |
List of hotels with the largest number of rooms.
City | No. Hotels | Avg. minrate. | |
Budapest | 225 | 8.3 | HUF 24714 |
Siófok | 43 | 7.9 | HUF 20862 |
Hajdúszoboszló | 32 | 8.4 | HUF 18295 |
Győr | 26 | 8.3 | HUF 15406 |
Pécs | 23 | 8.6 | HUF 12838 |
Hévíz | 22 | 8.2 | HUF 22788 |
Szeged | 20 | 8.8 | HUF 13480 |
Debrecen | 20 | 8.5 | HUF 16369 |
Balatonfüred | 20 | 8.0 | HUF 26639 |
Eger | 18 | 8.4 | HUF 16048 |
Sárvár | 15 | 8.3 | HUF 20541 |
Harkány | 15 | 8.7 | HUF 13801 |
Kecskemét | 14 | 8.4 | HUF 13801 |
Zalakaros | 13 | 8.3 | HUF 23109 |
Nyíregyháza | 13 | 8.4 | HUF 14764 |
Gyula | 12 | 8.8 | HUF 17653 |
Sopron | 11 | 8.4 | HUF 16690 |
Balatonföldvár | 11 | 8.3 | HUF 15085 |
Miskolctapolca | 10 | 8.4 | HUF 24714 |
Veszprém | 9 | 8.8 | HUF 22146 |
Mosonmagyaróvár | 9 | 8.2 | HUF 15727 |
Székesfehérvár | 8 | 8.7 | HUF 15727 |
Bük | 8 | 8.2 | HUF 18615 |
Zamárdi | 7 | 7.7 | HUF 24072 |
Visegrád | 7 | 8.6 | HUF 26960 |
Tata | 7 | 8.4 | HUF 17332 |
Szolnok | 7 | 7.9 | HUF 17011 |
Komárom | 7 | 8.5 | HUF 13480 |
Keszthely | 7 | 7.6 | HUF 17332 |
Tihany | 6 | 8.3 | HUF 28886 |
Szombathely | 6 | 8.0 | HUF 15406 |
Szentgotthárd | 6 | 8.5 | HUF 15406 |
Nagykanizsa | 6 | 7.6 | HUF 10592 |
Miskolc | 6 | 8.3 | HUF 14764 |
Esztergom | 6 | 8.5 | HUF 10913 |
Békéscsaba | 6 | 8.9 | HUF 14443 |
Balatonalmádi | 6 | 7.9 | HUF 19257 |
Szentendre | 5 | 8.8 | HUF 16369 |
Noszvaj | 5 | 8.8 | HUF 21183 |
Mezőkövesd | 5 | 8.1 | HUF 15727 |
Hódmezővásárhely | 5 | 8.2 | HUF 13159 |
Hegyeshalom | 5 | 8.2 | HUF 11554 |
1) The avarage price is the minimum avarage fee for the cheapest hotelrooms combined from each hotel. According to sources.
Number of hotels in Hungary by class | |
2.4% | |
35.8% | |
56.2% | |
5.4% | |
0.1% | |
Except for the numbers mentioned above, there are also 168 hotels with no or unknown classification to us. |