Hotel statistics for Taiwan


There is a varied selection of hotels in Taiwan. Like the large Hotel Midtown Richardson in Taipei with its 733 rooms. In Taiwan Beauty Hotels is a well established chain with 10 hotels.

The avarage price1) for a nights stay in Taiwan was NOK 642 in October 2015. The avarage fee in Jinhu however is higher where one nights stay costs you NOK 1648 in avarage.


Avarage minimumprices for all hotels in Taiwan combined over the last 30 days. Highest avarage price was on 10/3 with NOK 681 and the lowest price was picked up 9/3 with NOK 617.

Large hotel chains in Taiwan Number of
Beauty Hotels 10
Hotel Royal 10
Fih Regent Group 10
Citysuites 8
Ldc Group 6
Toplist of biggest hotels! Number of
Hotel Midtown Richardson 733
Caesar Metro 699
Kaohsiung Marriott Hotel 675
E-DA Royal Hotel 650
Sheraton Hsinchu Hotel 641
Novotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport 641
Sheraton Grand Hotel 638
Lakeshore Hotel 625
Lakeshore Hotel Yilan 565

List of hotels with the largest number of rooms.

City No. Hotels   Avg. minrate.
Taipei 467 8.2 NOK 665
Kaohsiung 203 8.2 NOK 407
Taichung 181 8.0 NOK 401
Tainan 110 8.0 NOK 469
Hualien City 91 8.3 NOK 454
Jiaoxi 58 7.7 NOK 758
Chiayi City 57 8.0 NOK 461
Taitung City 56 7.9 NOK 531
Hengchun 39 - NOK 683
Yuchi 36 7.5 NOK 1040
Hsinchu City 36 8.0 NOK 568
Zhongli 30 7.8 NOK 345
Magong 29 8.3 NOK 732
Xiaoliuqiu 28 - -
Luodong 25 7.7 NOK 490
Taoyuan 23 7.5 NOK 529
Puli 21 8.1 NOK 645
Kenting 21 8.3 NOK 614
Green Island 21 - NOK 609
Toucheng 20 7.4 NOK 981
Jian 16 8.5 NOK 536
Wenquan 15 - -
Tamsui 14 8.0 NOK 794
Renai 14 6.9 NOK 894
Keelung 12 8.0 NOK 497
Anping 12 8.6 NOK 628
Xitun 12 8.5 NOK 656
Suao 11 8.5 NOK 774
Yilan City 11 7.7 NOK 600
Wujie 10 7.3 NOK 837
Donghe 10 - -
Pingtung City 10 7.5 NOK 464
Checheng 10 - -
Xindian 9 7.5 NOK 613
Jinhu 9 8.5 NOK 1648
Jinning 9 - NOK 588
Zhongzheng 9 - -
Wulai 8 7.6 NOK 705
Dayuan 8 7.8 NOK 755
Jiufen 8 - -
Jincheng 8 - NOK 481
Chishang 8 - -
Xinzhuang 8 8.2 NOK 544
Nanwan 7 8.7 NOK 765
Longtan 7 7.8 NOK 585
Lugu 7 7.4 NOK 985
Zhonghe 7 8.3 NOK 634
Longjing 7 - -
Heping 7 - -
Wanli 6 7.0 NOK 720
Taian 6 7.8 NOK 1181
Changhua City 6 7.3 NOK 441
Zhubei 6 7.6 NOK 692
Yongkang 6 8.1 NOK 598
Yuanlin 5 8.8 NOK 508
Beigang 5 - -
Luye 5 6.9 NOK 715
Lukang 5 7.3 NOK 688
Ruisui 5 - NOK 401
Dongshan 5 - -
Douliu 5 7.7 NOK 552
Donggang 5 7.8 NOK 396
Fanlu 5 8.0 NOK 737
Chenggong 5 - NOK 1069
Fengyuan 5 8.9 NOK 534
Xizhi 5 - -
Yonghe 5 7.7 NOK 402
Daxi 5 - -
Nangan 5 - -

1) The avarage price is the minimum avarage fee for the cheapest hotelrooms combined from each hotel. According to sources.