Hotel statistics for Norway


There is a varied selection of hotels in Norway. Like the large Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel in Oslo with its 673 rooms. In Norway Nordic Choice Hotels is a well established chain with 76 hotels.

The avarage price1) for a nights stay in Norway was PLN 403 in June 2015, compared to 453 in neighbouring Denmark and 355 in Sweden. The avarage fee in Longyearbyen however is higher where one nights stay costs you PLN 767 in avarage. In the capital Oslo, the current price level is 433.

Of the 606 hotels in Norway, 72 are located in the capital. Besides Oslo, Bergen has 40 hotels.


Avarage minimumprices for all hotels in Norway combined over the last 30 days. Highest avarage price was on 15/3 with PLN 416 and the lowest price was picked up 8/3 with PLN 379.

Large hotel chains in Norway Number of
Nordic Choice Hotels 76
Scandic 67
Thon Hotels 57
Historical Hotels 35
Radisson Blu 17
Toplist of biggest hotels! Number of
Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel 673
Clarion Hotel Royal Christiania 532
Radisson Blu Airport Hotel, Oslo Gardermoen 500
Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel 497
Thon Hotel Opera 480
Thon Hotel Oslo Airport 435
Clarion Hotel & Congress Oslo Airport 432
Norefjell Ski & Spa 405
Scandic Lerkendal 400

List of hotels with the largest number of rooms. The biggest one, Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, is located in Oslo.

City No. Hotels   Avg. minrate.
Oslo 72 8.2 PLN 433
Bergen 40 7.9 PLN 510
Stavanger 23 8.2 PLN 356
Trondheim 19 8.2 PLN 380
Tromsø 18 8.4 PLN 358
Kristiansand 14 8.0 PLN 534
Gardermoen 12 8.2 PLN 338
Geilo 9 7.8 PLN 425
Bodø 9 8.4 PLN 382
Ålesund 8 8.4 PLN 441
Svolvær 7 8.3 PLN 678
Narvik 7 8.0 PLN 386
Lillehammer 7 8.0 PLN 426
Haugesund 7 8.3 PLN 352
Tønsberg 6 8.1 PLN 452
Høvringen 6 8.4 PLN 400
Sandnes 5 8.2 PLN 376
Røros 5 8.2 PLN 404
Moss 5 8.1 PLN 431
Fredrikstad 5 8.2 PLN 460
Balestrand 5 8.6 PLN 464
Longyearbyen 5 8.8 PLN 767
Geiranger 5 8.6 PLN 610

1) The avarage price is the minimum avarage fee for the cheapest hotelrooms combined from each hotel. According to sources.