There is a varied selection of hotels in Denmark. Like the large Steel House Copenhagen in Copenhagen with its 843 rooms. In Denmark Small Danish Hotels is a well established chain with 47 hotels.
The avarage price1) for a nights stay in Denmark was RON 490 in June 2015, compared to 384 in neighbouring Sweden and 322 in Germany. The avarage fee in Billund however is higher where one nights stay costs you RON 844 in avarage. In the capital Copenhagen, the current price level is 578.
Of the 532 hotels in Denmark, 89 are located in the capital.
Avarage minimumprices for all hotels in Denmark combined over the last 30 days. Highest avarage price was on 1/4 with RON 486 and the lowest price was picked up 8/3 with RON 450.Large hotel chains in Denmark | Number of |
Small Danish Hotels | 47 |
Scandic | 25 |
Danske Hoteller | 12 |
Comwell Hotels | 12 |
Arp-hansen Hotel Group | 10 |
Toplist of biggest hotels! | Number of |
Steel House Copenhagen | 843 |
AC Hotel Bella Sky Copenhagen | 812 |
Cabinn Metro | 709 |
Tivoli Hotel | 679 |
Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel | 542 |
Wakeup Copenhagen - Carsten Niebuhrs Gade | 510 |
Wakeup Copenhagen - Borgergade | 498 |
Scandic Copenhagen | 486 |
Nyborg Strand | 426 |
List of hotels with the largest number of rooms. The biggest one, Steel House Copenhagen, is located in Copenhagen.
City | No. Hotels | Avg. minrate. | |
Copenhagen | 89 | 7.8 | RON 578 |
Arhus | 21 | 8.2 | RON 506 |
Odense | 15 | 7.8 | RON 372 |
Aalborg | 13 | 7.8 | RON 435 |
Skagen | 10 | 8.3 | RON 617 |
Herning | 9 | 8.0 | RON 444 |
Allinge | 9 | 8.2 | RON 470 |
Vejle | 8 | 8.0 | RON 389 |
Rønne | 8 | 7.9 | RON 520 |
Middelfart | 8 | 8.3 | RON 386 |
Kolding | 7 | 8.0 | RON 366 |
Hirtshals | 7 | 7.3 | RON 413 |
Frederikshavn | 7 | 7.8 | RON 408 |
Helsingør | 6 | 8.0 | RON 430 |
Svendborg | 5 | 8.4 | RON 469 |
Silkeborg | 5 | 8.3 | RON 519 |
Horsens | 5 | 8.2 | RON 377 |
Gudhjem | 5 | 7.9 | RON 436 |
Grenå | 5 | 7.3 | RON 381 |
Fredericia | 5 | 8.2 | RON 390 |
Esbjerg | 5 | 7.8 | RON 409 |
Billund | 5 | 7.8 | RON 844 |
Samsø | 5 | 8.2 | RON 536 |
Sønderborg | 5 | 8.3 | RON 502 |
1) The avarage price is the minimum avarage fee for the cheapest hotelrooms combined from each hotel. According to sources.
Number of hotels in Denmark by class | |
2.2% | |
31.1% | |
55.9% | |
10% | |
0.7% | |
Except for the numbers mentioned above, there are also 124 hotels with no or unknown classification to us. |