Hotel statistics for Chile


There is a varied selection of hotels in Chile. Like the large Sheraton Hotel & Convention Center in Santiago with its 519 rooms. In Chile Ibis is a well established chain with 10 hotels.

The avarage price1) for a nights stay in Chile was RUB 7253 in October 2015. The avarage fee in Iquique however is higher where one nights stay costs you RUB 53 in avarage.


Avarage minimumprices for all hotels in Chile combined over the last 30 days. Highest avarage price was on 22/3 with RUB 7276 and the lowest price was picked up 31/3 with RUB 5777.

Large hotel chains in Chile Number of
Ibis 10
Novotel 6
Holiday Inn Express 5
Ibis Budget 4
Wyndham Hotels & Resorts 4
Toplist of biggest hotels! Number of
Sheraton Hotel & Convention Center 519
Best Western Premier Marina Las Condes 439
Radisson Blu Plaza El Bosque 400
Hotel Diego de Almagro Providencia 340
Hotel Diego de Almagro Pudahuel Aeropuerto 308
Mandarin Oriental, 304
Diego de Almagro Providencia Express 299
Le Méridien by Marriott 293
Pullman Vitacura 290

List of hotels with the largest number of rooms.

City No. Hotels   Avg. minrate.
Santiago 234 8.4 RUB 5615
Puerto Natales 57 8.6 RUB 5552
Viña del Mar 55 8.0 RUB 5110
San Pedro de Atacama 55 8.3 RUB 8453
Pucón 55 8.2 RUB 5615
Valparaíso 47 8.5 RUB 5236
La Serena 35 8.1 RUB 3974
Antofagasta 34 8.4 RUB 3596
Puerto Varas 32 8.7 RUB 5299
Hanga Roa 32 8.0 RUB 8012
Punta Arenas 31 8.2 RUB 5425
Concepción 31 8.3 RUB 3344
Valdivia 30 8.5 RUB 4542
Puerto Montt 27 8.1 RUB 3659
Iquique 26 8.1 RUB 53
Arica 26 7.8 RUB 3470
Castro 24 8.4 RUB 4164
Villarrica 23 8.1 RUB 4479
Santa Cruz 21 9.0 RUB 10220
Temuco 20 8.5 RUB 4164
Vicuña 17 9.0 RUB 3533
Pichilemu 17 8.9 RUB 5488
Copiapó 16 8.5 RUB 3848
Concón 16 8.2 RUB 7570
Talca 15 8.2 RUB 3280
Chillán 14 8.5 RUB 3280
Calama 14 8.3 RUB 3407
Pisco Elqui 13 8.4 RUB 3154
Coquimbo 13 - -
Vallenar 12 8.1 RUB 4101
San Fernando 12 8.2 RUB 4479
Los Ángeles 12 8.2 RUB 4353
Coihaique 12 8.5 RUB 5362
San José de Maipo 11 8.4 RUB 8138
Ovalle 10 8.8 RUB 4984
Olmué 10 8.5 RUB 4858
Panguipulli 9 - -
Osorno 9 8.4 RUB 4921
Frutillar 9 8.9 RUB 4794
Torres del Paine 9 8.2 RUB 8706
Matanzas 8 8.7 RUB 7759
El Quisco 8 7.8 RUB 3407
Rancagua 7 8.3 RUB 4605
Malalcahuello 7 9.3 RUB 13248
Chile Chico 7 8.9 RUB 3659
Quintero 6 8.4 RUB 4037
Licán Ray 6 6.8 RUB 3596
Futaleufú 6 - RUB 3659
Curicó 6 8.8 RUB 4984
San Felipe 6 - -
Las Trancas 6 8.9 RUB 8012
Zapallar 5 8.7 RUB 7949
Tongoy 5 - -
San Antonio 5 8.1 RUB 3470
Puerto Aisén 5 7.8 RUB 5678
Papudo 5 7.2 RUB 4794
Farellones 5 8.3 RUB 17222
Cartagena 5 - -
Nevados de Chillan 5 8.0 RUB 9652
Taltal 5 - RUB 1262

1) The avarage price is the minimum avarage fee for the cheapest hotelrooms combined from each hotel. According to sources.