Hotel statistics for Belgium


There is a varied selection of hotels in Belgium. Like the large Sheraton Brussels Hotel in Brussels with its 511 rooms. In Belgium Ibis is a well established chain with 24 hotels.

The avarage price1) for a nights stay in Belgium was HRK 583 in June 2015. The avarage fee in Knokke-Heist however is higher where one nights stay costs you HRK 947 in avarage.


Avarage minimumprices for all hotels in Belgium combined over the last 30 days. Highest avarage price was on 1/4 with HRK 586 and the lowest price was picked up 18/3 with HRK 569.

Large hotel chains in Belgium Number of
Ibis 24
Nh Hotels 11
Novotel 10
Belforthotels 10
Quality Lodgings 10
Toplist of biggest hotels! Number of
Sheraton Brussels Hotel 511
Motel One Brussels 489
Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre 454
The Hotel Brussels 420
Thon Hotel EU 405
Hotel Crowne Plaza Brussels - Le Palace 354
Bedford Hotel & Congress Centre 326
Crowne Plaza Brussels Airport 315
Holiday Inn Hotel Brussels Airport 310

List of hotels with the largest number of rooms.

City No. Hotels   Avg. minrate.
Brussels 199 8.0 HRK 484
Bruges 92 8.4 HRK 661
Antwerp 58 7.8 HRK 609
Ghent 35 8.2 HRK 609
Ostend 33 7.8 HRK 609
Blankenberge 30 8.1 HRK 609
De Haan 27 8.4 HRK 800
Knokke-Heist 25 8.0 HRK 947
Leuven 22 8.2 HRK 484
De Panne 19 8.4 HRK 683
Liège 18 7.8 HRK 543
Kortrijk 18 8.3 HRK 609
Durbuy 16 8.1 HRK 646
Mechelen 15 8.2 HRK 528
Hasselt 14 8.3 HRK 558
Spa 13 8.3 HRK 675
Ypres 13 8.7 HRK 675
La-Roche-en-Ardenne 11 7.7 HRK 558
Diegem 11 7.8 HRK 440
Bouillon 10 8.1 HRK 668
Namur 9 7.6 HRK 602
Mons 9 8.5 HRK 418
Genk 9 8.1 HRK 506
Charleroi 9 7.7 HRK 360
Middelkerke 8 8.0 HRK 528
Westende 7 8.2 HRK 712
Stavelot 7 8.7 HRK 763
Poperinge 7 8.9 HRK 705
Maaseik 7 8.8 HRK 558
Waterloo 6 8.0 HRK 638
Waregem 6 7.2 HRK 492
Roeselare 6 8.3 HRK 528
Malmedy 6 8.7 HRK 631
Koksijde 6 8.2 HRK 734
Francorchamps 6 8.3 HRK 815
Voeren 6 8.5 HRK 587
Wavre 5 7.4 HRK 440
Sint-Niklaas 5 7.9 HRK 477
Rochefort 5 8.3 HRK 499
Oudenaarde 5 8.8 HRK 616
Nieuwpoort 5 7.8 HRK 712
Lanaken 5 8.2 HRK 661
La Louvière 5 8.6 HRK 382
Diksmuide 5 9.1 HRK 616
Aalst 5 7.8 HRK 492

1) The avarage price is the minimum avarage fee for the cheapest hotelrooms combined from each hotel. According to sources.